Which is the best programming language to learn for Hacking

Which is the best programming language to learn for Hacking

There are various queries related to the programming languages used for the hacking process. Some of the learners want to have quick healing solutions. Nowadays, most of the tech gadgets are...

10 Best ethical Hacking Tools of 2017 for MAC

Hacking has become so ritualistic in our lives that there is only a thin line left between white-hats and black-hats. The endeavors of safety professionals require high precision skills to remain...
How to Secure Windows PC

How to Secure Windows PC from Being Hacked

The antivirus software is there to protect your PC system against any virus or malware. Microsoft normally gives option of antivirus download along with its Windows devices in Microsoft Security Essentials...

How Someone Can Hack Your PC with Just a Single USB drive

The game for staying ‘one-up’ between hackers and security techs is never-ending. The hackers now have skills to get through USB device to break into the PCs. The hackers have now...
Whatsapp Hack and Tricks

10 Best Whatsapp Tricks and Hacks For iPhone

Whatsapp Tricks and Hacks - A billion people over the planet utilize WhatsApp to speak with their friends and family, companions, associates, and everybody in the middle. In any case, while a...

How Hackers can hack keyless car’s entry- Methods to secure it

How Hackers can hack keyless car's entry - The keyless entry feature in cars is very convenient and seems safe & secure at the outset. The criminals have identified the technological...

How Hackers Can Hack Websites – Method to Secure IT

You may think, who is going to hack my site? Ironically, your site is always prone for hacking no matter whether the data there is important or not. The hackers can...

Top 50 + Best CMD Tricks, Tips and Hacks Of 2017

There is more to Command Prompt Tool (CMD) and its commands than one normally expects. This is not as boring as it may sound for the casual users, it’s much more...

Top Hacks to Speed Up Internet On Mac PC

Top Hacks to Speed Up Internet On Mac PC - From much time the users are always seeking on the internet the different ways through which they could be able to speed...
Top 10 Best Ethical Hacking Tools

Top 10 Best Ethical Hacking Tools of 2017 for Windows

White-hat hacking is a serious business; to achieve the best results hackers need accuracy. The internet is loaded with the variety of tools to facilitate hacking, but not every app has...


Top 50 + Best CMD Tricks, Tips and Hacks Of 2017

There is more to Command Prompt Tool (CMD) and its commands than one normally expects. This is not as boring as it may sound...